Wine, copper and £20 in my pocket
Who wouldn’t like to entertain their guests in style? Or simply enjoy a posh glass of wine while watching Sex and the City.
But if (like me) you don’t fancy splashing out on a new set of gold or silver plated wine glasses or simply your cabinet won’t hold any more weight (did I mention I own way too many tea cups?) then you’ve come to the right place. There is nothing easier (and more satisfying) than decorating your plain wine glasses (or the bubbly kind of glasses). Just get yourself a pen in your favourite metallic colour (I’m all about copper right now). You can easily find one on Ebay or any stationery or craft shop (mine copper one was from Ebay – £1,99).
Then grab a glass and after resisting temptation to pour yourself some Rose (always nice and chilled in the fridge), you can start decorating your glass however you want. If your name is Pablo Picasso then you should definitely go for it and literally use the glass as the canvas for your painting. But if you more like me (heart shape is my most sophisticated drawing), then go for the simplest design you can think of. And for me (not the most talented one) it had to be spots. Lines are a bit more trickier as you need a steady hand (or at least a masking tape). You can also use stamps for more “shop-bought” effect or if you’re really adventurous you could let your kids decorate your glasses (and drink your wine with closed eyes so you don’t get that “mummy-guilt feeling”). Just remember to leave about 2 cm paint-free at the top of your glasses (the chances of the paint being harmful are very slim but better be safe than sorry). When all the decorating is done don’t forget to “bake” your glasses in the oven (I didn’t and ended up repeating the process on couple of my glasses). Turn your oven to 180ºC and put the glasses on the lined sheet when the oven is still cold (placing them in a hot oven might cause the glassware to break). Leave there for about 30 minutes.
And after 30 minutes… ta dah…
You did it! And as a reward (it is very important to reward yourself at the end of a project), you can now pour yourself a glass of whatever you fancy or whatever is left in the bottle (you don’t expect me to believe you that you have actually resisted temptation at the bigging of this project?!).
The wine is in my posh glass, Carrie Bradshaw, here I come…
Oh, and this is what I’ve found flicking through the Your Home magazine while enjoying my morning tea and biscuits… It looks like I’ve just saved myself £20

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December 15, 2016Nice glasses