Cute DIY Easter Bunny project – No sewing required!
Easter Bunny DIY
It seems like we only just stored away our Christmas baubles but we’re already into full spring season preparing for Easter. And while Christmas is all about spending time with family at home, Easter is about going outdoors and bringing the outdoors into our homes. It also means switching the house into a “spring mode” with more colours, lighter textures and some Easter decorations in thrown here and there.
While I’m not a big fan of Easter decorations, I am a big fan of everything that is home-made. And if it’s easy to make, then it is definitely my type of project. Actually this DIY Easter bunny could easily be anyone’s type of project. Even if you’ve never tackled anything like this before. It is simple, straightforward and most of all, there is no sewing required!!! And since my sewing adventure ended with one cushion made a couple of years ago, this could potentially be my best DIY project that involves handling fabric and scissors at the same time! So how you can make this cute Easter bunny yourself? Here’s your DIY guide.
You will need:
- Fabric of your choice (preferably something colourful and/or flowery)
- Wool in a colour of your choice
- Some ribbons
- Ironing tape or fabric glue
- Old cushion pad
- Scissors and a pencil
- Two plates in different sizes (just for drawing the shape of the bunny, not for smashing)
- Iron and the ironing board
- Good music and some biscuits (but don’t try to sing along while you’re enjoying a biscuit!)
First of all you need to start by drawing a shape of the body for your Easter bunny. It’s like drawing a snowman but with two circle shapes instead of three. And that is where you can use your plates. By using them as templates you can be sure you end up with nice, round circles and not some pumpkin shape of a two-year old (mine would definitely look like that!). Always make sure that you draw your template on the back of the fabric!
When you have the body of your Easter bunny ready you need to draw the ears. The easiest way to do it is by drawing the shape of an ear on a folded piece of A4 paper and cut it out.Make sure that the ears are attached together. When you have the template ready, just draw around it on your fabric.
When you have the full body and the ears of your bunny drawn, fold the fabric in half and you can start cutting it out. Hold the fabric firmly and slowly cut out along the lines. Make sure you cut through both pieces of fabric at one go as that will save you time.
Hopefully you should end up with something that looks like a shape of a bunny (times two actually). Then you will be able to move to the next stage. That is attaching your two bunny shapes together. And there is no thread or needle required for that!
What is required is an ironing tape or a fabric glue. Although I did start with the glue and quickly noticed that it stained the fabric. It might depend on the type of glue, so if yours doesn’t stain the fabric you can totally use it. I used the ironing tape instead. It acts as a glue and holds two pieces of fabric together. All you need to do is to iron your bunny shapes together with the tape in between. Start with the ears going around the edges and leaving enough space for the filling.
Don’t go all the way though! About half way through start inserting the filling. You can use an old cushion pad for that. Don’t insert too much. You’re making an Easter bunny, not an Easter cushion!
When your Easter bunny is ready it’s time to for the fun part – decorate it. You can do whatever you want to make your bunny very you but if you want your bunny to look like “very me bunny” there are only two steps. Firstly it needs a bow (and I’m sure you know how to do that). But most of all, like every bunny, it needs a tail, or a pom-pom tail in fact!
Making a pom-pom tail is very easy. Start by wrapping the wool around your fingers. Be generous with the wool if you want your bunny to have nice fluffy tail. When you think you have enough wool, remove from your fingers and tie in the centre. Finally cut through the loops and trim the pom-pom for a nice round shape.
At this stage you can take your sewing basket out and simply sew the tail to your Easter bunny. But I promised “no sewing” bunny, therefore you can totally attach the tail to the body by a safety-pin. That’s exactly how I did.
And here’s your Easter bunny DIY project in all its glory:
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April 7, 2017This is just so cute! I love the fabric you’ve used and such a clever way to make a pompom.
April 8, 2017Thank you Caroline. The fabric is from Ikea and I had it left from a different project so no money spent here : )
Anna Zelonka
April 3, 2017Spróbuję 🙂