Welcome guests (and spring) in style by giving your small hallway a quick refresh!
Yes! I did just use the word SPRING! Because believe it or not, now that January is over, the spring is on its way to us. It may have a funny way of announcing itself, but once February is out of the way, we will be nearly there. Well… almost! So, what’s a better way of making Miss Spring and the rest of our guests feel welcomed in our home, than by giving your small hallway a quick refresh?
Hallways are often overlooked. They do not necessarily start as the last on the list of things to do, but they have a tendency of dropping down the list with time. We don’t sit there in the evenings watch TV, we don’t cook meals in there, we don’t sleep there and we don’t eat there. But when we open our homes to people, our hallway is the first thing they see. What’s more important – our hallway is the first thing WE see when we come back home.
So, let’s do a test. Go out, close the door behind you (don’t forget your key if your door is on the latch- you definitely won’t be loving your hallway then ), wait few seconds and let yourself back in. Look around and be honest. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind? Yep! This is how your guests feel when they come to visit!
So.. what is it exactly that you need to do to change your small hallway?
First of all you need to change your perception of what your hallway really is. Or what it is not.
It is not just a place to hang your coats and shed your muddy boots. It is not just a place where you usually find your misplaced keys (because this is where they should be anyway).
Hallway is a place that sets up the mood for the rest of the house (especially important when you’re selling the house). Hallway is a place for a smile for your friend, a kiss on your kid’s forehead before they leave for school, a hug for your partner and a place where you say “It’s good to be home” after a long day at work.
Hallways should not be the last on your list of things to do. In fact, they should be the first!
Now, with your perception changed, here are few ideas for you to try:
Welcome your guests with colour!
Who said small hallways always have to be white? Why should they be neutral? The true is – they shouldn’t! Hallways, even the smallest ones should be as colourful as your soul, or at least as colourful as you would like your soul to be! So if you’ve been feeling a bit blah! And it seems that you can’t find your spark. Or simply you’ve just had enough of this winter (don’t we all?) – pick up a brush and paint your hallway your favourite colour!

Is it pink? Paint it pink! Is it blue? Pain it blue! Is it green? Paint it green! (You get the idea right?) Why? Because why not? Wouldn’t you like to see your favourite colour in your home? It will put a smile on your face every time you walk through the door. Just make sure to pick the right shade that suits your space. Try few samples first as hallways can be a bit tricky, especially if they don’t have enough natural light.
Not convinced? Would you rather stick with grey? That’s fine too. Just add colour with accessories, lights, rugs or or even furniture that you can paint yourself. There are lots of ways you can add colour to your hallway to turn it into a cool and fun space.

No space? No problem!
If you don’t have a proper hallway, you can easily create one by rearranging your furniture. Turn a corner of your living room into a mini mudroom by adding a bench and few hooks on the wall. No space for storing hats and gloves? Wicker baskets will come handy… lots of wicket baskets! Or how about that beach bag you bought last year and used only once? Isn’t it too pretty to be kept hidden in the cupboard? Use it for storing your scarf or heels!

If your space is tight then how about creating a multi-purpose space? A slim desk by your entrance door can serve as a drop spot for letters, leaflets and keys (yes – this if where you’ll find them next time). In the evening (and after a quick clear up) the mail drop spot becomes a desk again. It also means you will stay on top of all your papers which is a bonus I say!
Of course you can’t forget about shoe racks. Having a spot for shoes helps keep your home clean and organised.
Maximise your small hallway!
Bring the outside in or the inside out! By bringing plants or any other natural elements indoors (like branches to use as rods) you’re making your small hallway feel like an extension of your front garden. Or when the room is too small you can take it outdoors to create a space where you can kick off your muddy boots.
In small homes every inch counts. So if your floor space is limited, you have to make the walls work overtime. Almost everything can be hang on the walls: shelves, hooks, baskets, even shoe cabinets. Just make sure your walls are strong enough to hold the weight. If you have stud walls in your hallway, you can still use them for hanging things – just make sure you use special plugs and screws.
Don’t forget about your door!
Hanging a wreath on your door is a simple (and one of my favourite) way of making a great first impression. Especially relevant in small hallways where the space for pretty decor is limited anyway. But instead of shop-bought ones try to make your own. It is a very simple DIY that does not require any skills. And you can update it every season with whatever the season has on offer: flowers, leaves, branches, fairy lights… you name it!

Flowers are definitely the first thing that come to my mind when thinking about spring. But try to think outside the box when decorating your door for spring. This year I decided to use a watering can instead of a wreath. If you want to give it a go just make sure you secure the watering by the wire. You don’t want it landing on someone’s head! And if using fresh flowers, then obviously they will need water. But that’s OK, because that’s what watering cans are for, right?
Cosy up your small hallway
Small is cosy right? So you’re already one step ahead of your “palace-size-hallway-owners friends”. But don’t get too lazy just because your hallway is small. You can still work your magic by adding natural material, fairy lights, pictures, rugs or simply by using wood. Wood is the warmest of all the materials and if possible should be cooperated into every space: big or small. Why? Well, there is no better explanation that this photo…

Now… if you’ve been reading this and wondering how to incorporate all this into one small space, take a look at the last idea. This narrow hallway has it all: the colour, the cosiness, wood flooring, practicality and the WOW factor. So now, there is no excuse for your small hallway to look anything less than this. The only question is: how quickly you can start!

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Ironmongery Experts
March 22, 2019There are so many ways to refresh any hallway. Thank you for sharing these ideas!
March 22, 2019That is true. There’s really no excuse for not doing it ??
maria jones
March 2, 2019In the process of updating our hallway and this post is great! Thanks Anne Marie!
March 4, 2019Thank You Maria . Can’t wait to see your updated hallway ?
February 28, 2019Loved this! Hallways are so often over looked yet I think they’re an integral part to the home. Love your ideas x
February 28, 2019Thank you Keira, I think so too ?
February 27, 2019I’m desperate to give my hallway a revamp this year, it’s so plain and boring! There’s some fabulous ideas here though!
Catherine Cornelissen
February 26, 2019I love all of these…! I wouldn’t even know where to start, they’re all so gorgeous and unique!
Donna Ford
February 25, 2019Gorgeous inspiration. I know I need to update my hall a bit as it’s definitely a bit way too neutral for me and my home! Thanks for the great tips!
February 25, 2019Thank you Donna for reading the post. I hope it will help you with your hallway update ?
Nicolette Lafonseca
February 25, 2019Very Glad you have done this post I am so sick of walking into cream and empty hallways because people are convinced that is what you should do in a small hall. These are all fantastic! The hall is normally the first thing you see the first place to show everyone your personality, first impressions and all!
February 25, 2019Exactly!!! And that’s why it should be always first on the list if things to do ?