How my visit to B&Q ended…
So I went on a trip to my local B&Q store (I call it a trip because I always get so excited). I was there just to pick up some floor paint as the last tin of floor paint (the expensive one) ended up ruining my patio floor after the tin was accidentally tipped over leaving a massive puddle in the middle…oops. So this time I decided to get the cheapest floor paint in case it ends up being used in a not so fashionable way again (hope not). So after a quick look around, one table lamp, two tins of paint and half a dozen of wallpaper samples later, I was heading for the till. And than I saw this on sale Love picture on sale:
Reduced from £10 to £7 it wouldn’t break the bank, but…I looked at the content of my shopping basket. Then I remembered – I only came here to get a paint and here I was (again) trying to pull the overloaded shopping basket picking up the pieces that kept falling off. So typical… So very me… But the Love picture would fill that empty space on my daughter’s bedroom wall so beautifully (did I mention I don’t like empty walls?). Then I looked at the content of the basket again and at the wallpaper samples that I had in my one hand. Surely I could try to make something similar myself?! It’s just the writing. I could even choose the background that worked with the room’s scheme. So I set off for the till, proud of myself for resisting temptation (still picking up the pieces that kept falling off the basket). I paid, got into the car, got back home and straight into the project. I had wallpaper samples (from B&Q), black Sharpie (from my drawer) and a picture frame (I have loads of picture frames that I pick up whenever I’m in a charity shop). It was pretty straight forward. Measure up and cut the piece of wallpaper, write on it, frame it and ta dah…
My DIY Love picture
P.S. I feel that I have to justify the table lamp purchase as it was definitely not on my shopping list. It was £8, reduced from £32, so there you go, I feel much better already (until the next shopping sin at least)
And here’s the lamp on my bedside cabinet… fits perfectly.
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How to sand wooden floorboards yourself – DIY Guide!
March 20, 2017[…] And now the part where I stepped in. Painting comes quite naturally to me, it’s kind of relaxing and I always enjoy every minute of it. It’s my “me time” (I know that sounds very boring of me, but I promise – I enjoy other things too). I chose white paint as that’s how we painted the other rooms. Although I didn’t want to just paint over our beautiful freshly sanded floorboards. I wanted the grain of the wood to be visible. If you want the same effect in your house just MIX WHITE FLOOR PAINT WITH CLEAR FLOOR VARNISH in proportion 1:1 or 1:2, depending on how much coverage you want. The paints mix together very easily so you shouldn’t have any problems with that. I used B&Q paint and varnish as after my latest accident with the paint I decided to buy the cheapest one (you can partially read about that little accident here). […]
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