Fake it till you make it?! And why fake lawn could be a good idea after all!
Couple of years ago we were making a rather big mess in the garden to dig out all the concrete slabs and replace them with a lovely green lawn. Before we did that we considered all the options. One of the options was to have a fake lawn and lay an artificial grass instead. We did not do that! We went for a natural look that involved more digging and even more trips to our local skip. But at the end we were reworded with a beautiful lawned garden.
That was two years ago. And last night after looking at the clover field that took over our garden we both agreed that we should have gone for a fake lawn. Dammit! And all that digging!
But what’s done it’s done. We are definitely not digging the garden again. (Well… actually we are, as we’ve just removed few slabs to plant my new bamboo tree, but no grass involved in this project!)
So now… why did we say we should have gone for fake lawn?
Let me start by saying that I am a huge nature lover and love all the things that are natural and most certainly not artificial at all! But sometimes you just have to accept the fact that it doesn’t make sense. And in some cases going fake is just a better option (we are still on the garden subject here!). You’ve tried (growing things) and you’ve failed. But that’s OK, because you have lots of things to blame it for, like typical English weather for example.
When fake lawn could be a good idea?
If you’re blessed with a big, beautiful and sunny garden, then probably this post is not for you (but you’re very welcome to read along or read my other garden related posts like this one, or this one here). In reality most of us have gardens not much bigger than the size of a bedroom and with an amount of sunshine that only a mole would be happy with. So if your answer is YES to any of the questions below, then you should definitely consider having a fake lawn in your garden…
Is your garden very small? You really need to think about the size of your garden. Is it really worth the maintenance? And is it worth spending money on a grass mower or a trimmer? Try Carpetright’s artificial grass collection. Starting from just £9.99/m² you could have a beautiful small garden without ruining your budget.

Is your garden north facing? Well, let’s face it (sorry, couldn’t resist ), if there’s no sun, the chances are your grass won’t be growing beautifully, if at all! So just quit the hassle and go fake instead. You can try Wickes collection of artificial grass. Before you know it, you will have your friends almost moving into your garden!
Does your garden have lots of shady areas? That’s exactly the problem we have in our garden. And believe me we’ve tried everything! If you have areas in your garden that don’t get any sunshine at all, then the grass just won’t grow. FULL STOP. Try Direct Artificial Grass. Their collection includes a very realistic looking range of fake lawn.

Is the grass in your garden constantly wet? This might be something you don’t even know until you start digging the ground. But very often underneath the top soil in our gardens lays a secret. And that is a clay my dear! The cause of all the trouble in the garden (although if treated right it could have positive effects too). Clay soil is heavy to dig, warms up slowly and also drains slowly which is bad for the grass. And that’s why fake lawn could be a great option in any garden with clay soil. You can try Go Artificial Grass with prices starting from as low as £3.99 a sq metre.

Is your garden paved? You can even skip the hassle of digging the ground and lay the grass on top of the slabs. But make sure you use a sufficient underlay and that your paved area is fairly level. You can try Homebase artificial grass range that are perfect for pets and good for children too.
Does your garden have lots of different areas? Try this Multiple Award-Winning Top of the Range Grass by Easigrass. They supply different types of artificial grass depending on your needs and how you use your garden. The quotes are only on request and although you pay a little bit more the quality is absolutely outstanding and their fake laws are recognised by Chelsea Flower Show.

Would you rather sizzle like a sausage on your hammock than have a sweat dripping from you while trying to mow the grass? Yep, me too! (Although I wish I didn’t look like a sausage) There is literally no mowing, no sowing, no weeding and no feeding required. Once laid it does not need any maintenance. So you can actually enjoy spending time in your garden even if the sun occurs only for a brief time. And even the maintenance of your home would be a brisk as you will no longer have to deal with your pet’s dirty paws prints or your kids muddy wellies on that new carpet (grrr)!
And how you can make sure that you rock this new artificial style?
Add as many real plants and flowers as possible. If you have trees in your garden, that’s even better! Just cut out a space for the tree in your fake lawn making sure you leave extra space for the tree to grow. Also go for the most realistic looking grass you can afford. Your guests won’t even notice it’s not real until you decide to tell them. Or don’t tell them!
So, what do you think? Would you dare to go fake? Or are you in fact a lucky owner of a beautiful lawned sunny garden (and then I can secretly hate you)? Or maybe you’ve already tried?
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Stacey Sheppard
April 12, 2018Luckily we have a south facing garden so no problems on that front. And no animals to ruin it (apart from the resident mole that pops up every now and then). So we don’t need to change. The rise in popularity of faux grass does bother me though as so many insects and lose their habitat overnight. I don;t think I could go faux unless it was the only option available to allow me to have a bit of greenery.
April 14, 2018That’s a good point there. Unfortunately the soil in our garden makes it almost impossible to have a beautiful grass. I do add plants and even bamboo trees to have something nice to look at. ?
Camilla Bellord
April 11, 2018Fighting back the moss and clover riddled lawn is very familiar to us too. It’s a never ending battle, so we totally sympathise with you. These images of different fake lawns just go to show how great the product is nowadays too! Great blog!
April 11, 2018Thank you Camilla. It’s so annoying that the little time we do get the sun we have to spend on maintaining the garden instead of enjoying it ?
April 11, 2018Thankfully our lawn is pretty good around the house and hubby is in charge of it..so I can sizzle away in the sun (whenever we get it!) whilst he is busy mowing the lawn.. so for me it has never been an issue.. I think if the fake lawn is done well and for the right reasons it works great..
April 11, 2018Oh, lucky you. Not only you have the perfect garden but also the perfect man ?
July 18, 2017Yes, in all for faking it when it comes to grass. It’s so hard to achieve a perfect lawn, so why not. We’re seriously considering it to brighten up our patio.
July 18, 2017If we ever decide to do our garden again it will definitely be fake ? Well… just the lawn obviously ?
Juan Sandiego
July 17, 2017I have the same issue with my shady lawn. Thanks to a large tree some areas don’t even get wet when it’s raining. I’m hoping to get the garden re-landscaped at some point in the future. And I will definitely consider fake lawn as an option!
July 17, 2017I wished we have done that but after putting so much time and effort (and money) into our garden couple of years ago I feel like we own it to the garden that we keep it alive now 🙂